Real Time Results.


Why you need a healthcare marketing consultant:

I bring stability to the marketing function

I bring stability to the marketing function

My proprietary process gives me insight into your business to develop unique solutions

My proprietary process gives me insight into your business to develop unique solutions

If you can’t afford a full-time marketing director

If you can’t afford a full-time marketing director but have full-time issues, me and my team can be your solution.

You don’t have to be a marketing expert, I do.

You don’t have to be a marketing expert, I do.

Hire a specialist, not a generalist. My specialty is healthcare marketing and has been for over 20 years.

Hire a specialist, not a generalist. My specialty is healthcare marketing and has been for over 20 years.


Need an hour to discuss your healthcare marketing dilemma? Call Cathy at 585.216.5766
email her here.

Why my mother and many leaders are confused about healthcare marketing.

As a healthcare marketing consultant (or CMO for hire), I’m asked the same questions about marketing consistently and it’s clear that there are many misconceptions about my profession. From CEO’s to my mother, there is truly a fundamental lack of understanding of what marketing is and can accomplish. So, I began asking clients and colleagues in this space why this might be.

Healthcare marketing.

At the Marketing Collaborative, we bring the best people together for you. Our clients benefit from the expertise of senior-level healthcare marketing and creative professionals without bloated budgets, unnecessary layers, or lengthy timelines. We create respected...

In-Depth Guide: Calculate Your Lead Generation Campaign ROI

When was the last time you calculated the return on investment (ROI) of one of your lead generation campaigns? If you can’t remember when, you’re not alone. Too many marketers put off calculating this metric – not because they see it as unimportant, but because they find the process rather challenging.

What’s new in healthcare marketing? From digital to ROI.

I attended the Healthcare Marketing Strategies Summit in Orlando, Florida. There were many hospitals presenting their best practices and I appreciated the openness of those organizations. So what's new? Everyone's talking about digital and social media but what caught...

Lead Generation. Is it worth it?

I'm sure most of you would say yes, but the facts tell a different story. As a marketer I often take for granted that lead generation is part of most companies' business development strategies. Apparently that's not true according to Marketing Sherpa and my own...

Happy Anniversary to us!

Celebrating 15 years: How The Marketing Collaborative has grown, adapted, and stood the test of time.

Need an hour to discuss your healthcare marketing dilemma?

Call Cathy at +1 585.216.5766
or email Cathy Here


As marketers, we’re always looking for a competitive advantage. Getting better SEO results, more hits on the website, downloads of the white paper, and qualified leads, more and better, every day.

Figuring out how to create attention for our businesses is the challenge. That’s why I’m so intrigued by the concept of real-time marketing and “newsjacking.” Two concepts were introduced to me by David Meerman Scott.

I saw him speak at a conference and have continued to follow him. His idea that we as marketers need to get out of “campaign mode” and focus on what’s happening today is one way to help us demonstrate the real value of marketing. Yes, it’s still important to launch new campaigns, but it’s not the only mode of operation. We need to capitalize on what’s happening today, and what customers are dealing with today. He gives some great examples in his video such as the insurance company in Australia that put out a release and blogged about President Obama visiting their country and offering him free insurance against alligator attacks. Hysterical yes? But picked up by the media nationwide.  Another example is this lost guitar story shown on YouTube.

So what’s going on now that you can capitalize on? The economic stories that come out every day. What’s your firm’s take on that? How can you add a creative twist to that? This of course then leads you to another one of his great thoughts “you are what you publish on the web.” No one knows how big or small your company is on the web so take advantage of that. The insurance company in Australia wasn’t the biggest but it stole the headlines. Priceless!

You can be perceived as the thought leader on any number of topics. Don’t wait for the expert in your firm to write the blog, interview him and post it in a timely fashion. And when reporters are searching on the web for the hot story of the day, your blog, and your article will be there!

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